The other day I got this wonderful message from a student of mine who has been nurturing a dream for 40+ years to help people with their health and well-being.
As you can see, after all this time she has finally been able to launch her dream business -centered around Thai Yoga Massage- and is having great success.
She started with me in March 2021 and therefore everything we have done together has been online.
It has me thinking about my past 20 years teaching Thai Massage around the world and the advantages of learning virtually.
When I taught in person, students would learn at a high level and fall so in love with the massage. To witness students who did not know anything about Thai Massage, give an incredible session in as little as a weekend is one of the most amazing gifts to be part of. But once the course ended, so did the support and community that had been such an integral part of their success.
Therefore, many of them would inevitably give it up. And that’s because passion and grit are not enough. There are simply too many obstacles that come up for most students, that they eventually give up this practice that they love so much.
The Covid lockdown took away in person teaching and that has been incredibly hard, but it has also been a great opportunity to reimagine sharing this incredible massage and take it to the next level. That is, to offer it in a way that makes this massage a transformational force in your life.
Virtual learning, while having the obvious drawback of not being in a class, when done right, has so many more advantages that can be built in to make sure that not only will you learn this massage at such a high level, but also have great success with it.
That is true, whether your goals are to make a great income from it, or you’re doing it to help strengthen and improve relationships, or for your health and/or for your loved ones.
The secret is support.
Offering a lifetime of support to my students is now central to how I teach and it is such a win-win-win! Not only when they learn the massage, but everyday as they bring it to life. And it has changed everything! Clearly it has for Karen and it can for you too.
If you want to learn more about how you can get a world-class Thai Massage education and then succeed at using it in your life, then lets talk!
Book here for some 1-on-1 time to get all your questions answered and see what this life-changing program is all about <3
Alternatively, email me with the best phone # to reach you and I will give you a call today.
To your inevitable success and helping to get you there,