Have to share this amazing story from Tammy Holland- one of our recent Thai 201 students: “The massage I gave yesterday was magical. I’ve never before watched someone get younger looking as the massage progressed. In her own words she has been unbalanced for many years and her lack of sleep and inability to fall asleep adds to her depression and skin condition. She was exhausted and high strung. I did the consultation at the beginning and explained to her what I would like to do was help ground her and bring her breath down into her body to calm and relax her. Your teachings of “how slow can you go” kept popping into my head as I massaged, along with my intention to ground and calm. I moved much slower into and out of poses than I normally do. The palming, kneeing, kneading, chopping (if I did any) and sweeping were all long and methodical. While she was on her back I placed one of the bolsters on her stomach and showed her how to breathe into her belly and empty her belly. We kept coming back to that throughout the massage. The transformation of her energy and her phyisical skin relaxing on her skelaton was visible. It was like watching one of those youtube clips that speeds through going from no make-up to full glamour over the 1 1/2 hours. At the beginning of her massage she talked about hating mirrors. On her way out she actually looked at herself in the mirror with kindness. Her energy was so grounded and relaxed it gave her a glimpse of what is possible for her life. It gives her hope. Thank you for sharing your healing gifts and love of Thai massage with me so that I could help open her up to the possibility of a more comfortable and self-compassionate life.”
Stories like this leave me speechless! I am honored that I get to do what I love and what I love can have this kind of impact on people’s lives. Call it Thai Massage if you want, but the massage is a vehicle to share what we all have in such abundance and radiance: compassion and kindness. When your touch comes from this place, amazing things happen!