Thai 305: Seated Postures & Therapeutics

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Dates: October 4-6, 2013. Time: Friday 6:30pm-9:30pm, Saturday & Sunday 10:00am-5:30pm Teacher: Shai Plonski Location: Still Light Centre Prerequisites: Thai 201 This advanced course adds new sitting postures and explores multiple scenarios for incorporating an expanded sitting sequence into one’s massage. Students will also explore therapeutic techniques for conditions relating to general stress, anxiety, depression, and spinal disorders. After completing Thai 305, students will be able to:

  • Give an expanded seated massage for more and less flexible clients;
  • Understand when and how to incorporate longer seated sessions into the massage;
  • Understand key anatomical concepts for working in seated postures;
  • Apply therapeutic techniques for general stress issues, anxiety, depression, and spinal disorders; and
  • Explore joint venture opportunities as a way to grow ones business.


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