The Helping Power of Thai Massage- Students who give back

This week I share some stories of Thai Massage students in New Hampshire who came together and dedicated their practice massages to raising money for charity. It’s amazing how much they accomplished in the 2 months after completing Thai 101.

This week I share some stories of Thai Massage students in New Hampshire who came together and dedicated their practice massages to raising money for charity. It’s amazing how much they accomplished in the 2 months after completing Thai 101. On top of raising that money, they had some amazing experience with their clients. I share one story of how one woman found relief from neck pain after many years of visiting acupuncturists, massage therapists, you name it. And the student who helped her was a massage newbie who had learned just one 4 day course in Thai Massage and had only been practicing for a few weeks. It speaks to our innate power to help and heal. These are skills that these woman, and most of us cultivate over the entire course of our lives. Thai Massage then becomes a method in which to direct them. Furthermore, many of the people that were massaged as part of the fund raising efforts have gone on to become regular paying clients. These 4 women have changed my life as they lead the way in demonstrating some of the incredible potential in Thai Massage to help and to heal and support us on our journey. So I am also asking students –and practitioners- to come together and share their success stories and volunteer in small groups with your classmates and peers for a more effective way of making a great and power difference with Thai Massage. Use your class lists, our private Facebook group or contact us if you’d like to give in this way. Leave your comments below! And if you’d rather watch this video on YouTube then click on the link: The Helping Power of Thai Massage- Students who give back


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