Great Marketing Tips You Can Use Right Now to Build your Thai Massage Clientele

We are seeing some wonderful success stories of people able to give up their day job and practice Thai Massage full time, or have Thai Massage as a reliable source of supplementary income. Here are some of my tips you can use right now to build your passion into a business: 1) Build relationships and get people talking.

Teaching Thai Massage: Fish Pose at Still Light Centre
An eager group of students learning how to do the Fish Pose at Still Light Centre
  This article is part of a series on the business of Thai Massage. For more ideas on building the ultimate Thai Massage business please check out other articles I have written. You can find them here and here.   Last Sunday we finished a glorious Thai 3 with 14 of the best students imaginable. A key compenent of our classes is to discuss marketing and how we can build up our clientele into hugely successful businesses. We are seeing some wonderful success stories of people able to give up their day job and practice Thai Massage full time, or have Thai Massage as a reliable source of supplementary income. Here are some of my tips you can use right now to build your passion into a business: 1) Build relationships and get people talking. Keep thinking of ways to build relationships with people in your community and offer huge value in all ways. Surprise people with your generosity and your way of caring. 2) Take a walk in and around your neighborhoods: 20 minutes in all directions and first make a list of all the businesses you like and would like to contact. Then visit each of them and offer the owner a free massage and have an idea of how you can each help each other in building your clientele. Do they hand out your business cards and you do in exchange? How about a special gift for those clients? So perhaps a 50% discount on those business’ clients first massage? And you know everytime that owner hands out your savings they will be talking you up since they had the best massage ever and you have a connection with them 3) Gather birthday and anniversary info from your clients and offer some kind of savings on those milestone events. Perhaps 30% off or even 50% off so they can treat themselves to something they love. 4) Give massages at farmer’s markets and other local places where you are highly visible and it costs very little or it’s even free to take part 5) Follow up phone call the day after the massage to check in and see if you can help –ask about the next booking only if you feel comfortable. This could also come via email but remember to personalize it 6) Use Mailchimp or another free tool to send out a regular newsletter. Include things of value- not only talking about your service, but find articles or other things you think your clients are interested in. Ex: food prep, nutrition, yoga, Ayurveda etc. We would love your comments and ideas so that we can continue to share powerful ideas with the community!


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