A Story of Mental Health & Giving Thai Massage…

In this post & accompanying video, I share a conversation that happened at Thanksgiving with someone who is a tenured professor at Stanford, who on the surface is living a dream life. But he professes that he is deeply unhappy.

I’m sharing it because of how much it resonates with where I was 20 years ago and why I chose to study and eventually teach and live the practices of Thai Yoga Massage every day.

These days, I am hearing from so many people whose mental health is suffering or being challenged by the events happening all around us. I know that I am one of those people as well.

I believe in making choices and learning methods that foster resiliency, healing and growth. Therapy, yoga, being in nature, talking to trusted friends and family members are all great ways to walk this path.

Lesser known to people who are searching for healthy choices to help heal and empower themselves is the role that giving massage built on a foundation of loving-kindness, communication and mindfulness can play.

Thai Massage is a system of organic healing and strengthening yourself as you help someone else.

The ways it has supported me through the valleys and challenges and continues to every day these past 20 years fill me with immense gratitude and appreciation.

That is a big part of why I am so passionate about this skill and why I would love you to learn this as well.

This is a massage that creates life-changing benefits. It is incredible to share and give to clients and loved ones. It is 10 times greater for how you benefit from the giving experience.

It is a mutually beneficial massage that gets you in touch with every inch of your body and can be such a key component towards developing strategies, tools and abilities that support your mental well-being.

This way, you can trust yourself even more on your healing journey and in building a quality life.

Want to learn more? Want to study Thai Yoga Massage and get mentored in this art?

Book a 1-on-1 session so we can meet and you can investigate the many ways Thai Massage can benefit you, your loved ones, your clients.


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