Foundations of Thai Massage 2 with Shai Plonski
Prerequisites: Foundations in Thai Massage 1 or equivalent training in Thai massage
Level Two Foundations in Thai Massage teaches students practical, hands-on methods for customizing
the massage holistically in order to deepen the therapeutic quality of their practice. This course builds
on level one by adding 45 minutes of new massage techniques, reinforcing all Level 1 material, and introducing students to the fundamentals of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing system and sister science to yoga.
As students learn the fundamentals of Ayurvedic principles and the three mind-body constitutions (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), they will apply these concepts to craft highly customized massages that address physical needs, enhance client relationships and create a unique massage experience. Learning how to give massage with one’s knees will help to reduce reliance on hands and thumbs and facilitate deep
pressure massage.
Thai Massage combines the best of yoga and massage into a modality as good to give as it is to receive. The benefits of this massage for clients include decreasing pain, stress, and tension, and helping with headaches, anxiety, and insomnia. For the receiver, it is a moving meditation where you use your whole body to give
and is an expression of health and harmony.
Level 2 Foundations in Thai Massage focuses on:
-> Reinforcing and deepening the application of Level 1 postures;
-> Adding 45 minutes of new techniques to treat areas of greater need such as the shoulders, neck,
back, and hamstrings;
-> Using the knees as a new touch technique and massage tool;
-> Applying Ayurveda to help create a highly customized and holistic massage;
-> Determining a client’s Ayurvedic constitution; and
-> Building client relationships—the key to a successful business.
Required reading:
Thai Massage: Unlocking the Secrets of Universal Touch by Shai Plonski
This is the second class in our Professional Training Program. Complete this class and a series of practice massages in order to qualify for Primary Certification. Still, Light Centre is accredited with NCBTMB.
9.5 CEUs for New Brunswick Massage Therapists (Pending CMTNB approval). Several of Shai’s courses have been approved before. Students can also complete the self-directed learning form on order to secure your CEUs.
This course is accredited fro 21.5 CEUs with NCBTMB in the US for continuing education.
Required Reading:
‘Thai Massage: Unlocking the Secrets of Universal Touch’, by Shai Plonski may be purchased at the studio or on the first day of class for $40.
Friday May 31st 6:00pm-9:00pm
Saturday and Sunday June 1st-2nd 9:00am-5:00pm
$495 CAD/ $425 USD +$40 for the book Thai Massage Unlocking the Secrets of Universal Touch. Available for purchase on the first day of class.
Hourly Schedule
- 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday and Sunday
- 9:00am - 5:00pm