Western & Eastern Anatomy Courses

Western & Eastern Anatomy Courses enhance the foundations of your practice with more insight on how to intelligently touch the body. It will help in addressing injuries and brings the best of Western and Eastern knowledge into your practice.

Dynamic Anatomy for Yoga and Thai Massage Practitioners with Dr. Blake Martin PhD

Prerequisites: None

This hands-on, interactive, whirlwind tour through the human body will provide a broad overview of the tissues, structures, and systems that make movement possible, and help us to understand the body’s responses when faced with injury. Students will learn about bones, joints, and muscles, how to tell the difference between a sprain and a strain, and use all of these ideas through demonstrations, massage explorations, and case studies. Course material will cover:

A pain in the neck: How to Treat Neck and Shoulder Pain with Dr. Blake Martin PhD

Prerequisites: Thai 101, Foundations 1 or equivalent training in Thai massage or other modality

More than 47% of North American’s suffer from chronic neck pain. Another 26% suffer from shoulder pain. Thai Massage offers power tools to address many of these issues… if we only knew what to do! This weekend course will give you a clearer picture of how the muscles, nerves and bones of the shoulders and neck come together, the problems that plague them, and when and what to do about it.

This course will introduce students to:

Sens and Sensitivity: Advanced Touch Techniques in Thai Massage with Dr. Blake Martin PhD

Prerequisites: Thai 101, Foundations 1 or equivalent training in Thai massage or other modality

This course is for advanced practitioners wishing to improve their effectiveness and technical ability in Thai Massage. Through hands on exploration we will focus on the application and modification of palming and thumbing touch techniques, becoming more attentive to client needs, and moving beyond the choreographed dance to give your best massage ever. In this course you will learn:

Exploring the Sip Sen

Prerequisites: Thai 201, Foundations 2 or equivalent training in Thai massage or other modality | 18 hours

This advanced course teaches all 10 traditional energy lines (the “sip sen”) and how to incorporate them into a powerful Thai massage. These ten energy lines form the backbone of traditional Thai massage theory and practice. Students will learn the detailed running of the lines, their unique properties and correlation to wellness, and how to use them in the context of other Thai massage techniques. After completing this course, students will be able to:

Marma Points, Enhanced Touch & Therapeutics

Prerequisites: Thai 201, Foundations 2 or equivalent training in Thai massage or other modality | 18 hours

This advanced course teaches a series of Indian and anatomical vital energy points that bring deep therapeutic relief into Thai Massage. Students will learn to locate and massage highly effective points from head to toe. We will also explore therapeutic techniques for arthritis, joint issues, fibromyalgia, and chronic headaches. After completing this course, students will be able to: