Therapeutic Courses
Therapeutic courses are a deep-dive into particular areas of the body. You’ll expand your repertoire and look into more intricate ways of addressing common issues such as shoulder & neck, back, hips, hamstrings, anxiety and stress.
Side-Lying Postures & Therapeutics
Prerequisites: Thai 201, Foundations 2 or equivalent training in Thai massage or other modality | 18 hours
This advanced course teaches students how to give a complete side-lying massage. We will explore 60 minutes of side-lying postures and techniques, as well as client health conditions for which side-lying techniques are appropriate. Students will also explore therapeutic techniques for conditions relating to the shoulders, neck, and back. After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Give a 60-minute side-lying massage
- Understand key anatomical concepts for working in side-lying postures
- Apply therapeutic techniques for the shoulders, neck, and back
- Review, share and expand the marketing plan for building ones business
Feet, Single Leg Postures & Therapeutics
Prerequisites: Thai 201, Foundations 2 or equivalent training in Thai massage or other modality | 18 hours
This advanced course teaches new feet and single leg postures and explores multiple scenarios for incorporating expanded foot and leg techniques into the massage. Students will also explore therapeutic techniques for conditions relating to the hips, legs, and lower back. Finally, we will address working approaches appropriate for athletes. After completing Thai 303, students will be able to:
- Give an expanded foot and leg massage for all clients
- Understand when and how to incorporate longer foot and single leg sessions into the massage
- Understand key anatomical concepts for working the feet and legs
- Apply therapeutic techniques for the hips, legs, and lower back as well as unique strategies for athletes
Back and Double Leg Postures & Therapeutics
Prerequisites: Thai 201, Foundations 2 or equivalent training in Thai massage or other modality | 18 hours
This advanced course teaches new back and double leg postures and explores multiple scenarios for incorporating expanded back and double leg techniques into the massage. Students will also explore therapeutic techniques for back conditions. After completing this class, students will be able to:
- Give an expanded back and double leg massage for all manner of clients
- Understand when and how to incorporate longer back and double leg sessions into the massage
- Understand key anatomical concepts for working the back and double legs
- Apply therapeutic techniques for back issues
Seated Postures & Therapeutics
Prerequisites: Thai 201, Foundations 2 or equivalent training in Thai massage or other modality | 18 hours
This advanced course adds new sitting postures and explores multiple scenarios for incorporating an expanded sitting sequence into one’s massage. Students will also explore therapeutic techniques for conditions relating to general stress, anxiety, depression, and spinal disorders. After completing this class, students will be able to:
- Give an expanded seated massage for more and less flexible clients
- Understand when and how to incorporate longer seated sessions into the massage
- Understand key anatomical concepts for working in seated postures
- Expand theApply therapeutic techniques for general stress issues, anxiety, depression, and spinal disorders therapeutic quality of their massage
The Artistry of Thai Massage
Prerequisites: Thai 201, Foundations 2 or equivalent training in Thai Massage | 18 hours
NOTE: Students may retake this course unlimited times at no additional cost.
This course sheds light on the true heart of Thai massage mastery: creative instinct. In any massage, the practitioner faces hundreds of choices—between postures, palpation techniques, rhythm, acupressure, and the overall balance of energizing and relaxing techniques—all of which must be optimized for the recipient’s benefit and enjoyment. For the true Thai massage artist, these choices are ultimately expressed as a deeply engrained inner knowingness. But how can students work to achieve the same elegant, effective, and effortless massage without feeling overwhelmed by the options? How do we move beyond the structured format of classroom learning to find personal creative inspiration and a deeper, perhaps limitless potential in our practice?
- Through hands-on practice, case studies, and group discussion, this course helps students to find and cultivate their inner artist by harnessing the powers of deep focus and creativity. Students will gain the ability to
- Use careful questioning and listening during the interview process to set a clear therapeutic intention, to settle on a flexible massage plan, and to start the session in the best way possible for the individual client; find the confidence and practical skill to begin the massage in any position the client’s needs may dictate
- Effectively balance the client’s spoken concerns with their own inner knowingness about that individual’s physical and energetic needs
- Go beyond their comfort zone, exploring the opportunities, limits, and challenges of alternative sequences—first through guided practice ‘models’ and then through free practice
- Problem-solve sequencing challenges with fellow students through case study group work
- Effectively and gracefully distill all of their skills into any length session, from 30 minutes to two hours
- Apply their creative instincts in an exciting final massage, addressing a real-world client’s immediate concerns