When you get to walk on feet in Thai Massage you get to give a heavenly massage with minimal effort.
We know that when you massage the feet, everything relaxes from head to toe. But using your hands and arms can tire you out and is not the most hygienic option.
Giving a massage with your feet you get to use your whole body effortless and it is amazing how many great acupressure foot points you can find.
This video shows you how to use both the ball of your foot and your heel to massage so you can give the right amount of pressure to just about everyone.
Click here to Watch on YouTube
If you are a studio, spa, or association and would like to offer these courses in Thai Yoga Massage or Table Thai Massage please contact us here: info@stillightcentre.com
Shai’s book The Joy of Giving Massage which dives deep into the benefits of giving massage can be purchased here:
Study with Shai and his team of teachers in person: https://www.stillightcentre.com/category/courses-calendar/
Click here to watch the secrets to giving a great massage:
Watch more Thai massage techniques explained in either of these two playlists!
Thai Massage Techniques:
Thai Foot Massage: