My new book, Compassionate Touch: Giving Massage for Optimal Health, Thriving Relationships & Spiritual Awakening is now available on Amazon. This post is dedicated to readers who want to share what it means to you to be on a spiritual path. I think this is a great way to learn from and be inspired by all the amazing ways we are called to share our love and from the heart. Please post below and get the conversation going! Here’s how I summed up what it means to me at this particular point in time to be on a spiritual path. It includes being dedicated to:
- Living a better life
- Surrendering to Spirit or God
- Living a life of service
- Letting go of ego’s grip
- Wanting to be happy and feeling happiness in every fiber of my being
- Pursuing my deepest dreams for a fulfilling life
- Doing a regular practice, which to me these days includes a mix of self-massage, yoga, meditation, hiking and rollerblading (yes, there’s still at least one of us left!)
- Having more meaningful connections with everyone in my life, especially the people I love and care about most
- Exploring and embracing what it means to be empathetic and supportive
- Asking for forgiveness
- Embracing the role of vulnerability and leaning into it as a way to accomplish all of the above
Much love! Shai